“Team Ly Buu & Friends” Can Tho Scooter Event
Date : Saturday 6th January 2024 – Location : Can Tho Mekong Delta Vietnam – Distance : HCM City to Can Tho 220km’s – Chosen Scoot : 1979 Vespa p200e

In true Vietnam style we are up at 4.30am to hit the road before the sun rises and more importantly to miss the early morning chaos and traffic of downtown Saigon (aka HCM City) which we need to navigate to head south to the beautiful Mekong Delta region. Meeting up with a few more of the local Saigon clubs we got to the outskirts of District 7 and made a quick breakfast stop of “banh my opla” and local drip drop mega strong coffee. Refreshed and caffeinated up we are heading south on the manic Highway 1 , through the industrial areas of Long An. Within 30km’s the traffic eases off and we start to enjoy the ride as the scenery changes and we are into the real Delta. With a trouble free ride we make a lunch stop at My Tho and head onto Can Tho arriving at the annual Team Ly Buu event by early afternoon. A quick hotel check in and straight to the bar for some well earned cold Tigers why the team set up the afternoon gymkhana which was “conveniently” in the entrance / car park of the hotel. I’m still not sure how they pulled that one off as it was complete carnage with the hotel none scooter guests dodging their way between scooters, cones and a fog of 2T . By mid afternoon the local clubs had started arriving and already a good turnout of over 100 scooters from most of the southern provinces.
With just enough time for a quick freshen up the evening party kicked off at 6pm.With a full house and over 120 guests the evening party started with some thank you speeches, trophies, raffle (Bonus I won a nice helmet) and a goodie pack for everybody. A fantastic 7 course dinner was served and then of course down hill rapidly when the local rice wine came out by the gallon. It wasn’t long before the party erupted, the can can started, karaoke and open mic along with the band and as always drinking continuing into the early hours.
Thankfully breakfast was served until 10am which was coffee and more coffee and then a slow departure back to Saigon with the Binh Phuoc and Vespa 68 team.
Another great event and a big thank you to Luu Buu who as always was a legendary host.
Looking forward to the next upcoming ride to Vung Tau beach on February 16-19th if anybody is in town and would like to join us contact me.